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Making changes in your life may be easy to justify for yourself, but how do you explain it to friends and family? I’ve made the decision to live the life I’ve always wanted. Explaining this decision to the people I love has presented its own set of challenges. No matter how I try to explain my decision, there are always people who just don’t understand.

Say you’ve always wanted to go to Paris and see the Louvre. You tell your friends and family that this is your dream. You explain that seeing the art of the masters is on your bucket list and generally your friends and family understand and support your decision.

Or, if you’ve always wanted to run a 5k. Your friends might question your decision to punish your body but generally life decisions like these are seen as normal.

We, as a society, generally accept the hopes and dreams of others so long as they conform to what we perceive as normal.

But when our life decisions do not conform to the norm, we struggle to help others understand. Sometimes our decisions are not clear to ourselves. How can we expect others to understand? I’ve found the best way to make this change is to just say goodbye.

I figure, those friends who truly love and care for me will be supportive. And so far, while I’ve met my share of nay sayers, my circle of friends has been generally understanding.

But there’s some people in my life who probably cannot understand. They haven’t reached a time in their lives that they have faced choices that will truly impact their lives. With them, I hope they will accept that I cannot be by their side day to day, but they are always in my heart and I love and support them any way I can.

My life is changing. I’m still the same person at heart. I just need that heart to exist everywhere in the world.

4 comments on “Saying Goodbye

  1. Bob Dechman says:

    Godspeed John. An historical reference to be sure, but it is His strength and His providence that you are able to do all things.

    While I don’t conceive of your journey as “Man’s search for meaning”, nor do I believe you’ve set off to find what you’re looking for, I do hope that you have experiences that move you, reinforce you, confirm you, and enrich you. There is a lot to be said for a person’s potential. Certainly, as has been said before “It is what you make of it”. There is a world of potential before you and I hope and pray that you are able to live life to the fullest, with no regrets. I hope that when you look back upon this journey you now begin, you will determine that it was a true turning point, “that made all the difference”. I believe the life you’ve lived has gotten you to this point, as a person rich in character. You’ve moved through those seasons and now you are entering a new season. I know that you will be a good addition to whatever circumstance you find yourself in.

    I say that I understand, and I say that I am with you in support and spirit, but you are the only one that truly understands, who truly knows the significance of your undertaking. I believe that the investment in yourself, this doing something for yourself, is so richly deserved. I merely sit on the sidelines in admiration. I’ve said that I am glad someone is able to retire so that I know it is actually possible. I look forward to keeping up with you on the trail through your posts pictures, and hopefully a conversation here and there.

    I know that I would enjoy the chance to hike a day or a section of the trail with you, but it’s not my journey. I am not leaving you on your own, but go with you in your heart and mind. I am proud of you and glad to call you my brother. Go forth and grab life by the tail and hang on for all you’re worth. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life”. Godspeed.


  2. Christy floyd says:

    I have enjoulyes reading your post . Can not wait to read more and see the beauty though your pictures.


  3. Temptress says:

    I hope you inspire many more to just do what their heart feels is the right thing to do! I know you have for me.


    1. hikerjohnd says:

      Excellent! We go around once in life! Follow your dreams!


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