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“What would you do with a million dollars?” We’ve all heard the question. We all understand the implication. If money were not an issue, what would you do with your life? Prior to now, I’ve spent a lifetime jumping through the hoops society always put in my path. Graduate high school. Check. Go to college. Check. Get a job. Check. Get married. Check. Have kids. Well, I cannot check that box, but you all understand the hoops to which I am referring. I may not have been able to check the boxes in the same order as everyone else, but, for the most part, I’ve led a fairly normal life. But I, like many, have had dreams and aspirations for something more. Something different. Something exciting.

We all reach a point where decisions are made and there is no changing that course of action. I have been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to make that choice once again and take my life in a new direction. I can live the life I’ve always dreamed. I am seizing the opportunity to make different choices and explore the world. Will I succeed? I have no idea. Will I fail? I have no idea. Will I try? Absolutely. At the end of my path in life, the one thing I will be able to say is that I tried. The one thing I hope I never say is “I wish I had…”

I am off on a grand adventure and I am glad I have the opportunity to share that with the world.

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